Town of Bailey
"Home of the Country Doctor Museum"
Invitation to Bid Demolition of Commercial Building
Invitation to Bid Demolition of Commercial Building
Town of Bailey is soliciting written bids for the demolition of a commercial building structure (see pictures below) located at 6271 Main Street, Bailey, N.C. 27807. Bids will be received until 2:00 PM, March 1, 2019. Bids shall be hand delivered to Bailey Town Hall at 6217 Main Street or mailed to Town of Bailey at P.O. Box 40, Bailey, N.C. 27807 to Attn: Town Clerk. Bids received late will not be accepted.
There is a mandatory site visit/walk-through meeting scheduled on location for 10:00 AM, February 15, 2019. Town representatives will escort interested firms as a group throughout the structures to be demolished and answer any questions. This will be the only time available for viewing. Bids will not be accepted from firms that do not attend this mandatory meeting.
Questions? Contact Mr. Allen Daniels (Maintenance Commissioner) at 919-495-5055 or Mr. Vince Sievert (Zoning Administrator) at 252-292-0044.