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Public Records Requests


To establish a uniform protocol for responses to Public Records Requests and to ensure citizens receive responses in a timely manner while recognizing the Town has a limited number of staff members with separate job duties. It is the Policy of the Town of Bailey to comply with N.C.G.S. § 132-6. and all case law interpreting same.


In order to effectively streamline and track requests, all requests for public records must be made in writing (signed by the Requester) and mailed, hand delivered, or faxed to the Town of Bailey, Town Clerk. (NOTE: Public Record Laws provide for the inspection and examination of public records. However, the law does not provide for the creation of records if no such record exist.) Information for these delivery methods are as follows:

Mailing Address:

Town of Bailey

Attn: Town Clerk

P.O. Box 40

Bailey, North Carolina 27807

Delivery Address:

Town of Bailey

6271 Main Street

Bailey, North Carolina 27807

Fax Number: 252-235-2196

In order to streamline and track the records request process, requests made by telephone will not be accepted.

A Public Records Request Form may be obtained from the Town Clerk or by clicking the link below.

Payment of duplication fees will be made prior to the release of public records. All payments will be made by cash, money order, or certified check payable to the Town of Bailey.

In the event a Requester fails to pay for fees within thirty (30) calendar days of notification of same, the Town will require the Requester to pay in full the past due amount owed before it will begin processing a new Request or a pending request from the delinquent Requester.

The Town may require advance payment of the full estimated amount for any future Requests before processing a new or pending request from the Requester.

If the Town is unable to collect the duplication fees from the Requester, the Town may, upon providing thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice to the Requester, destroy the duplication set of records made available for the Requester in order to avoid storage concerns. Although the duplicated records are destroyed, the Requester will still be responsible for the fees incurred by the Town. Written record of the destruction will be maintained.

Duplication fees and costs will be determined by the Board of Commissioners and subject to change at the board’s discretion.

All fees will be provided on the Public Records Requests form.

Please click the link below to access the Town of Bailey's public records request form. Complete the form and either submit it in person to the Town Clerk at Town Hall or you can fax it to the number indicated above.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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