Town of Bailey
"Home of the Country Doctor Museum"
Waste Removal
The Town of Bailey uses GFL Environmental as its garbage collection provider. Curbside pickup is every Thursday morning, so please have your cart at the curb by Wednesday evening. When service is requested by the customer, the Town provides a residence or business with the number of garbage carts that are applied for ($13 per cart). Each garbage cart has a 96 gallon capacity. All household garbage must be tied in bags and placed inside the provided container(s). There should be no recyclable items in any household garbage. No other garbage carts or cans can be used and no garbage or garbage bags should be left beside a garbage cart prior to curbside pickup. If any garbage is not within the provided container(s), it will not be picked up.
The Town of Bailey uses GFL Environmental as its recyclable waste collections provider. Curbside recycling are provided (at $4.12 per cart) to all residential and business customers that apply for regular garbage collection. Pickup is on designated Fridays, as shown on the recycling flyer you received when you applied, so please have your cart rolled to the curbside the Thursday night before pickup. ONLY the following items are permitted to be placed into your recycle bin: newspaper, glass, aluminum and bi-metal cans, plastic containers, and mixed paper. No household garbage, motor oil, pesticide containers, or appliances are permitted.
Yard waste is typically picked up on the 1st and 3rd Thursday/Friday of every month, except for Thanksgiving week when the pickups will be on Tuesday. Please check the yard waste and loose-leaf calendar on the home page to see if there are any changes to these dates. Please help the town to provide quicker service by placing leaves, grass clippings, pine straw, pine cones, etc. in piles near the curbside. All limbs should be separated from all other debris and placed in piles at the curbside as well. Limbs should be no more than 4 feet in length to be picked up. Yard waste is not collected with the trash truck, so please do not use the town-issued garbage or recycling carts to collect your debris.
The Town does not pick up bulk items such as white goods, furniture, air conditioners, and recyclable electronics (i.e., TV's or vacuum cleaners). These items can be taken to Convenience Sites located here. Any other questions about what is permitted in the landfill can be directed to the Nash County Solid Waste offices at (252) 459-9899 or via Nash County's website at