Town of Bailey
"Home of the Country Doctor Museum"
The ordinances on this site are for convenience purposes only and may not represent the most current version. They are not considered the official copy, nor should they be considered or relied upon as a legal representation of the official copy.
A rezoning occurs when a property owner wants to use their property in a way that is not permitted by the current zoning. The owner must then request to rezone the subject property to a classification that permits the desired use.
Special/Conditional Use Permits
A special/conditional use permit allows the Town of Bailey to consider any special uses which may be essential or desirable to a particular community, but which are not currently allowed as a matter of right within a zoning district. A Special/Conditional Use Permit application submitted by a project applicant is considered at the Planning Board meeting and, if approved, is generally subject to a a number of pertinent conditions of approval.
Text Amendments
Ordinance text amendments may be initiated by the Planning Administrator, the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment, Town Council, or any property owner or resident in the Town of Bailey.