Town of Bailey
"Home of the Country Doctor Museum"
Planning & Development
The Planning Board and Board of Adjustment meetings are held as needed at Town Hall.
For questions regarding planning and development for the town, please contact our Zoning Administrator/Code Enforcement Officer by email or at 252-235-4977.
Planning Board/Board of Adjustment Members
Mr. Shawn Lucas - Zoning Administrator/Code Enforcement Officer
Mr. Mark Boykin - Chairperson
Ms. Diane Melton - Vice-Chairperson
Mr. Michael Davis
Ms. Lisa Matthews
Mr. Scott Hendricks
Mr. Cecil Hawley
Planning Board
Duties: To carry out the planning and zoning activities of the Town of Bailey pursuant to the provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina. Specifically, to study the resources and needs of the town and prepare plans for the systematic future development and betterment of the town. To provide plans for dividing the town into zoning districts and to prepare plans specifying the height, area, manner of construction, and use of structures and buildings to be erected in such districts.
The Board prepares and submits to the Town Council for approval and adoption, reports and recommendations, as to regulations
of the percentage of a lot that may be occupied; the size of yards, courts, and other open spaces; and the location
and use of buildings and structures and land for trade, industry, residence, or other purposes.
It is the duty of the Board to make and adopt a master plan for the physical development of the town and its extraterritorial jurisdiction.
Board of Adjustments
Duties: To review decisions made by the office of zoning administration, review special use permits requested by applicants, review variances requested by applicants, and interpret zoning ordinances.